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Help us protect important historic sites across Europe.
USCPAHA Team Member Dr. Michael Lozman

Dr. Michael Lozman

Dr. Michael Lozman is a practicing orthodontist in Latham, New York. He has taught in the Graduate Department of Orthodontics at New York University School of Dentistry and has served in numerous professional leadership positions including on the Board of Governors of the New York State Dental Society and as President of the New York State Society of Orthodontics.

In 2001, Lozman founded an organization to bring college students to Eastern Europe to restore Jewish cemeteries that were destroyed during the Nazi era. To date, the organization has completed the restoration of fifteen Jewish cemeteries, ten in Belarus and five in Lithuania. Lozman also founded the Capital District Jewish Holocaust Memorial, Inc. and is working to develop a Holocaust memorial in the capital area of New York. Lozman has lectured in several countries, and he has been noted for his Holocaust educational activities.

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